Future Forecasting of Grain Maize Production in Türkiye with ARIMA Model

https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14787149Anahtar Kelimeler:
Türkiye, Mısır Üretimi, Gelecek Tahmini, ARIMAÖzet
Maize is an important agricultural product in human and animal nutrition. Its importance is increasing day by day due to its use as raw material in agriculture-based an industry and the added value it produces. The strategic importance of maize due to these reasons has led to the expansion of maize production areas and an increase in production amounts in many countries. This study aims to analyze the changes in grain maize production in Türkiye from past to present and to predict future production trends. Maize is a strategic agricultural product due to its importance in human and animal nutrition, industrial uses and economic value. In this study, changes in grain maize production in Türkiye are analyzed using FAO and TurkStat data covering the period 1961-2023. ARIMA model (0,2,1), one of the Box-Jenkins methods, is preferred for future production projections. Analyses were performed with EVIEWS 10.0 software. In time series analysis, non-stationary data were made stationary by differencing methods. Model selection is based on information criteria and statistical significance tests, and the appropriateness of the ARIMA (0,2,1) model is determined. Forecasting results predict that grain maize production in Türkiye will increase by an annual average of 12.6% between 2024 and 2028. The production amount is estimated to reach 10.91 million tonnes in 2028. These findings indicate that the upward trend in maize production will continue. Research findings provide important information in terms of formulating agricultural policies and supporting farmers' production planning. However, it is emphasized that factors such as climate change, agricultural incentives, infrastructure facilities and market conditions should also be taken into account. By focusing on grain maize production in Türkiye, the study aims to fill the gap in the literature and provide basis for future studies.
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