Within The Axis Of G. E. Moore Thought: “What Is Philosophy?”

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Philosophy, G. E. Moore, Analytic Philosophy


G. E. Moore, as one of the prominent names in analytic philosophy, has largely affected philosophical thought. Besides seeking for analytic precision in his works, he came to the forefront with his adherence to common sense and tried to eliminate conceptual uncertainties. The philosophical method of Moore mostly depends on an approach called “common sense realism”. This approach argues that everyday experiences and common-sense views should be based on the solution of philosophical problems. Moore is mostly known for his criticism of metaphysic systems and the misconceptions in these systems, and with an emphasis on the importance of analysis of language used in philosophical discourses. According to him, the great part of philosophical confusion and uncertainties in philosophy could be eliminated through correct analysis of the language. For that reason, in his opinion, it is important to know the answer to the question “What is philosophy?” to understand Moore’s philosophy. In the current study, it was tried to find the answer to the question according to Moore. Moore pointed out that philosophy is actually nothing but to try to classify different ways allowing us to know things, and to depict certain ways of knowing them. Moore’s studies have largely contributed to the development of analytic philosophy emphasizing philosophical method and the importance of language analysis, and in this way opened new ways to the solution of a lot of philosophical problems. Therefore, the answers given to analytic philosophy and the question “What is philosophy?” by the representatives of this philosophy were examined in the current study.


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How to Cite

Küçükşabanoğlu, Özlem, & Duman, E. Z. (2024). Within The Axis Of G. E. Moore Thought: “What Is Philosophy?”. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(111), 1714–1724. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13864069