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Anahtar Kelimeler:

Turkey, Economic Develoment, Giant Project, President Erdogan


Recording score improvements two years in a row, Turkey has achieved its highest economic freedom score ever in the 2017 Index. Deeper institutional reform to firmly establish the rule of law and improve regulatory efficiency will be developed to solidifying its transition to a more market-based economy.
In 2013 the capital market orientation, although tensions up interest rates, economic growth was positive. Despite the slowdown in private demand for credit and the Economic growth was achieved in the development. Although the sometimes political tension current deficit reduction current has occurred.
Sustaining domestic and international confidence is crucial. Monetary, fiscal and financial policies should remain prudent. Improving fiscal transparency with timely general government accounts and comprehensive reporting on the activities of quasi-fiscal institutions is recommended. Disinflation is essential to preserve the bulk of recent competitiveness gains and to allow Turkey to benefit more from the projected recovery in global trade. Increasing the share of foreign direct investment inflows by improving business conditions in the formal sector would help reduce external vulnerability.
Social and Economic giant projects were implemented in the area. During this period, under the sea that connects the continents of Asia and Europe, was opened 150years Marmaray dream. Turkey had met for the first time in this period by fast train Ankara-Eskişehir, Ankara and Konya, Eskisehir-Konya High Speed Train (YHT) line after the last month in Istanbul-Ankara line put into service. Turkey thus more a dream realized. Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir in the construction of the highway project will connect started. Erdogan, the Prime Minister will be held during the 3rd Bosporus Bridge will be one of the world's largest international airports in Istanbul 3rd foundations were laid Airport. To allow vehicles to pass under the Bosporus Eurasia Tunnel construction began.
During that period, Turkey's GDP has nearly quadrupled. Major public infrastructure investments- bridges, ports, railways - were accompanied by huge volumes of credit-fuelled private projects, including many skyscrapers, shopping malls, and Luxury Hotels. The decade-long surge in growth has underpinned Erdogan's popularity with a large part of Turkey's electorate



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

ACAR, A. (2018). AN ANALYSIS OF TURKEY’S SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN RECENT YEARS. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 5(26), 2515–2523.