Applicability of Supplier Selection Using the Electre Method in Food and Beverage Industry
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Food and Beverage Industry, Supplier Selection, Electre Method, Multiple Decision-Making MethodsÖzet
The food and beverage industry is now experiencing rapid growth, making it one of the most rapidly expanding industries in the present day. Because of this expansion, the drinks and food industry has encountered a significant challenge pertaining to the process of supplier selection. The implementation of supply chain management has more challenges in comparison to other industries, particularly in the context of food and beverage businesses, which typically rely on a vast array of about 3000 items to facilitate the provision of their services. Nevertheless, empirical research indicates that the advantages of proficient supply chain management within the food and beverage industry are significant and should not be disregarded. Within the scope of this research, the present setting provides an overview of the supplier selection criteria established for food and beverage businesses. It is emphasized that these criteria are subject to potential modifications based on the specific goals of each organization. The evaluation of the Electre technique, which is one of many decision-making approaches, has been conducted to determine its effectiveness in supplier selection within the food and beverage business. This paper aims to elucidate the application phases of the Electre method. The objective of this research is to assess the viability of using the Electre technique as a supplier selection criterion in the context of food and beverage businesses.
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