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Anahtar Kelimeler:

companion, supplication in prayer, referencing of tradition, innovation of prayer


The Prophetic traditions are considered a firmly established and essential source from the sources of Islamic legislation. The scholars of Hadith nomenclature have collected the Prophetic ahadith based on various genres, including, supported collections (Masanid), comprehensive traditions (Jawami’), legal-liturgical traditions (Sunan) and many others.
This research aims to achieve the following: To collect the Musnad of the companion Khufaf ibn Emaa al-Ghifari, to become fully acquainted with him via his biography, to collect and chronologically arrange all his narrations and finally to pass judgment upon them after studying all the chain’s ascription (isnad), as well as corroborative reports (mutaba’at) witness reports (shawahid) and chapter-related traditions (ahadith al-Bab).
This research also aims to check the correctness of the statements by Hadith nomenclature scholars who verified the names of the companion narrators and all that they have narrated in the books of Prophetic tradition.
The researcher reached several conclusions, they are:
1 That Khufaf ibn Emaa al-Ghifari is an honorable companion who has only 3 ahadith in the books of the supported traditions: two of those in the book of Prayer, the first in the chapter of tashahud and the second in the chapter of Qunoot. Both traditions are accepted and have been supported by various sound authentic witness reports (shawahid). As for the third tradition, it has been related in the book of virtues and its chains ascription is weak and disregarded.
2 This research has concluded that Al Amiri’s statement in his al Riyad al Mustathba is totally incorrect.
3 Ibn Hazm in his epistle (Asma al Sahaba al Ruwat wa ma likulli minhum minal adad) mentioned that our master Khufaf had five ahadith, perhaps the reason for this statement was his including of the hadith by Khufaf’s daughter but as we know it was not by him. Also, perhaps his including of the hadith of Qunoot as two separate hadith, although it is one hadith with multiple chains.



Nasıl Atıf Yapılır

ALMAJD, M. S. (2021). MUSNAD KHUFAF IBN EMAA AL-GHIFARI. International Journal of Social and Humanities Sciences Research (JSHSR), 8(65), 153–165.