Could Responsible Leadership Be the Key to Job Satisfaction?
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Responsible Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Conservation of Resources TheoryAbstract
The aim of this study, which utilizes conservation of resources theory, is to explicate the relationship between responsible leadership and job satisfaction. In line with this purpose, the sample of the research consists of employees working in restaurants with high service quality in Istanbul. The sample size was determined by using G*Power software and 213 participants were reached by convenience sampling method. In the study, data were collected by questionnaire method and the questionnaire included the Responsible Leadership Scale, Job Satisfaction Scale and demographic questions. The questionnaire was administered online in order to increase the number of participants and to prevent disruption of the services provided. The data collected for the research model were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed to determine the reliability and validity of the scales and structural equation modeling was employed to test the research hypothesis. The results revealed that responsible leadership had a significant and positive impact on job satisfaction. Contributions and limitations of the study were discussed and suggestions for future studies were presented.
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