The Role of Leadership, Strategy and Organizational Structure in Creating a Digital Culture in Business

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Digital Transformation, Digital Culture, Strategy, Leadership


Digital transformation has become a necessity for businesses. In order for the successful emergence of digital transformation, an inclusive change strategy must be adopted. A transformation that can encompass businesses with all their elements can be achieved with a digital culture that can be created in the organization. In order to create a digital culture in businesses, it is necessary to apply digital technologies and integrate them with all systems and processes of businesses. When this situation is evaluated from a holistic perspective, digital culture focuses on the digital future and contributes to the sustainability of businesses. Therefore, organizational elements such as leadership, technology, human resources, adaptation and cooperation required to create a digital culture are seen as strategically critical. The purpose of this research is to determine the role of leadership, strategy and organizational structure in the creation of digital culture in businesses. For this purpose, an application has been made in businesses that can adapt quickly to transformation, have an agile organizational structure and operate in the information technology sector. Therefore, while the study is quantitative research, it is in the relational screening model in terms of being based on cause and effect between variables. In the research, five businesses operating in the field of information technologies in Ankara and Istanbul were selected as the sample group. Research data were collected through a survey form from 185 employees in the sample group. Regression analysis has been applied to determine the effect of organizational strategies, organizational structure and leadership ability on the creation of digital culture in businesses. According to the research findings, it is seen that leadership, strategy and organizational structure have an important role in creating a digital culture. Within the scope of the research, it has been determined that leadership characteristics, strategies and organizational structure in businesses affect the creation of digital culture.


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How to Cite

OĞAN, E. (2023). The Role of Leadership, Strategy and Organizational Structure in Creating a Digital Culture in Business. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(99), 2364–2372.