Examination of High School Students' Virtual Idle Behaviors in Terms of Demographic Variables

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Cyber Idleness, Cyber Loafing, Internet Addiction, High School Students


The measures taken to control the coronavirus disease have significantly affected the functioning of all social institutions, especially health and education, as well as the lives, behaviors and habits of individuals benefiting from educational services. As a concrete example of this, activities in the education sector have been carried out with distance education tools since the beginning of the epidemic process. Beyond current information and reports focusing on the efficiency of such services, especially the effectiveness of distance education, the effects of frequently used distance education tools on various behaviors of young people have also become an important research topic. This project; The aim of this study is to examine the Virtual Idleness behavior of high school students in order to determine the levels at which they continue to use the internet during the lesson and to reveal whether this behavior differs significantly according to demographic variables.

In the research model, the independent variables consist of demographic elements, and the dependent variable consists of Virtual Idleness behavior and its sub-dimensions. The sample of the research consists of 284 high school students randomly selected from the universe consisting of a total of 3,263 students studying in 6 different types of high schools in the 2022-2023 academic year. The form, which was developed from demographic information and the Virtual Idleness Scale as a measurement tool, was applied by meeting the students one-on-one or using an online survey application. In interpreting the findings, descriptive statistics and correlations were examined and the relationship between the variables was analyzed with difference tests. The main findings of the research reveal that Virtual Idleness of high school students varies significantly according to school type, mother's education level and family income level. In addition to being the first in its field, the research contributes to the understanding of young people's virtual behaviors during education and training, thus it is important for the development of educational practices and lesson planning in Turkey.


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How to Cite

Bostan, T., Yağcı, M., Aladağ, A. T., & Budak, A. (2024). Examination of High School Students’ Virtual Idle Behaviors in Terms of Demographic Variables. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 268–281. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10622651