Attitudes of 4th Grade Primary School Students Towards Mathematics Lesson

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Mathematics, attitude, student, teacher, course, program


This research, which was conducted to reveal the attitudes of 4th grade students towards mathematics courses, is a descriptive study in the survey model. In the study, all students were reached and data was collected online from 204 4th grade students who were willing and had their parents' permission. The reliability of the collected data was found to be high. The data showed normal distribution and parametric tests were performed in the analyses. Students' attitudes towards mathematics course are at the highest level in the item "I enjoy solving mathematical puzzles" and at the "Very High" level. "I listen carefully to my teacher in mathematics class." and "I review topics before mathematics exams" are followed at a "very high" level. The lowest average was "I wouldn't want to learn mathematics if I didn't have to." in the article and is at a “Very low” level. It was observed that the students' attitudes towards the mathematics course were at the highest level in the sub-dimensions in the interest dimension at the "High" level, and this was followed by the "High" level throughout the study. While their attitudes were measured at a "Low" level in the anxiety dimension, the lowest level was measured at "Very low" level in the necessity dimension. Your general attitudes towards mathematics course are at the "medium" level. While it was seen that 4th grade students were highly interested in the mathematics courses and worked hard, they were found to have a medium level of anxiety towards this course, and they saw the necessity of the mathematics course at the lowest level. While students' attitudes towards mathematics did not differ significantly according to their families' socio-economic levels and ages, they did differ significantly according to student gender, teacher gender, number of students in the class and level of liking mathematics lessons. According to their gender, 4th grade students' attitudes towards mathematics courses are higher in favor of boys in the interest and study dimensions, while they are higher in favor of female students in the anxiety and necessity dimensions. According to the gender of their teachers, their attitudes towards mathematics lessons were found to be higher in the anxiety dimension of students whose teachers were women. Students' attitudes towards mathematics courses are higher in terms of anxiety according to the number of students in the class, and in general mathematics course attitudes, the anxiety levels of students in classes with class sizes below 30 are higher than those of students in classes with student numbers 31-35. According to the level of liking the mathematics course, students with a moderate level of liking the mathematics course in the study dimension were measured both higher than those with a low level and higher than those with a high level.


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How to Cite

Tekin, E., Ölmez, Özgür, Karakaya, R., Kurban, Y., Şafak, S., & Nalbantoğlu, K. (2023). Attitudes of 4th Grade Primary School Students Towards Mathematics Lesson. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(101), 3240–3252.