The Effect of Brand Trust on Brand Love in the Automotive Industry: The Mediating Role of Brand Satisfaction
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Brand Trust, brand love, Brand SatisfactionAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to examine the mediating role of brand satisfaction in the effect of brand trust on brand love in the automotive industry. In addition to this main purpose, the research also aims to examine whether brand trust has a significant effect on brand love and brand satisfaction, and whether brand satisfaction has a significant effect on brand love. The scope of the research consists of automobile users living in Elazığ. Therefore, this research is limited to Elazığ province and car owners. The main population of the research consists of car owners living in Elazığ. The research was based on the convenience sampling method, one of the non-random sampling methods. In the research, a one-on-one survey was conducted with a total of 448 car owners. In the survey form, a 5-point Likert scale was used to determine the brand trust, brand satisfaction and brand love levels of car owners. In the analysis of research data; Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used. While performing the analyses, LISREL, SPSS 22.0 and SPSS 22.0 add-on Process Macro v3.5 package statistical programs were used. As a result of the reliability analyzes carried out in the research, it was determined that the brand trust and brand satisfaction scales, which are among the research model variables, were highly reliable and the brand love scale was very reliable. However, as a result of confirmatory factor analyzes (CFA), it was determined that the research model variables had acceptable goodness of fit indices as a result of the modification suggested by the program. In this study conducted on the automotive industry, car owners' brand trust levels were found to be 4,1354, brand love levels to 3,3422 and brand satisfaction levels to 4,1657. As a result of the hierarchical regression analyzes conducted in the research, it was determined that brand satisfaction had a significant mediating role in the effect of brand trust on brand love. However, in the research, it was determined that brand trust has a significant and positive effect on brand love and brand satisfaction, and brand satisfaction has a significant and positive effect on brand love.
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