Social Relationship Levels of Secondary School Students

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Social relationship, relative, family, friend, secondary school


This research was conducted to reveal students' social relationship levels and whether these social relationship levels vary according to students' personal characteristics. The research was conducted in a quantitative and descriptive survey model. In the study, the highest mean regarding the social skill levels of the students was in the item "Communication with the mother" and was at a "High" level, while this was followed by the items "Communication with siblings" and "Communication with the general circle of friends" at a "High" level. The lowest average is in the item "Communication with distant relatives" and is at the "Low" level. Regarding the social skills sub-dimensions of the students, the highest level was seen in the family relations dimension at the "High" level, followed by the friendship relations dimension at the "Medium" level. Regarding social relations, the lowest level is "Medium" in the kinship/neighborhood relations dimension. The general social relationship levels of secondary school students are at the "medium" level. Findings show that secondary school students' general social relationship levels are high in family relationships, while they are at medium levels in other dimensions and generally. It has been determined that the social skill levels of secondary school students do not differ according to gender and social network usage status, but they vary according to achievement status, socio-economic level of the family, class level and social relationship level.

The social skill levels of the students were found to be higher in favor of the students who reported their success as moderate or very good in the family relations dimension and kinship/neighborhood relations dimension, compared to the students' success levels. The social skill levels of secondary school students are higher in favor of students whose families' socio-economic levels are lower in the family relations dimension, compared to the socio-economic levels of the students' families. It has been observed that there is a difference in the dimension of friendship relations and general social relations in favor of those whose families have a high socio-economic level. The social skill levels of secondary school students were measured to be higher than the students' grade levels in terms of friendship relations and general social relations. The social relationship levels of 5th grade students were higher than the friendship relations and general levels of 6th and 7th grades. It has been determined that the social skill levels of the students are at a better level than those who describe their kinship and neighborhood relations as high in the dimension of kinship and neighborhood relations, compared to the students' social relationship levels.


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How to Cite

Sofuoğlu, H., Gök, S., Kuş, Özgür, Kabukçu, A., Yeşil, S., Adaşlık, H., & İnal, Şükran. (2023). Social Relationship Levels of Secondary School Students. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(102), 3661–3673.