A Model Proposal on the Constructivist Role of the Leader as an Attachment Figure in Leader-Member Exchange
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Leader-member exchange (LMX), attachment theory, attachment styles, constructivist leadershipAbstract
It is evident that the interactions between leaders and followers play a crucial role in shaping organizational outcomes. The multiplicity of leadership styles and approaches underlining this importance has led to the search for a 'complete' leadership model. This study proposes a new role for the relationship by adding a new layer to the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) approach that frames the process of shaping the relationship between leaders and followers. This role, which will be referred to as the constructivist role of the leader, is constructed through the integration of leader-member exchange theory and attachment theory. In line with research suggesting that attachment styles developed in early childhood based on the quality of relationships with caregivers greatly affect lifelong relationships, it is argued that a new role that the leader can play at the organizational level, the attachment figure role, will produce positive effects on the quality of LMX relationships and organizational outcomes. This approach, which can be referred to as constructivist leadership, is a model that emphasizes the leader's ability to build meaningful and supportive relationships with team members, similar to early childhood attachment relationships, and aims to build trust, provide emotional support and develop a sense of security in the leader's teams by creating an environment that encourages open communication, collaboration and innovation. By requiring leaders to actively develop their self-concept, focus on positive qualities, and use these as a basis for evaluating and interacting with followers, this model emphasizes that followers' self-constructs can provide a basis for retrospectively structuring their relationships with others. Finally, it is suggested that the attachment figure role based on trust, sensitivity and support that leaders will assume in the organization will bring positive theoretical and practical results in terms of constructivist leadership in organizations. By adopting a constructivist role and prioritizing the affective and relational aspects of leadership, leaders will be able to effectively shape followers' commitment to their work groups, leading to greater follower satisfaction, engagement, and willingness to go beyond job expectations. Emphasizing the importance of support and trust in leader-follower relationships, the model suggests that these elements, which are vital for effective leadership, can lead to better performance, greater organizational commitment, and higher levels of job satisfaction among followers
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