Effectiveness of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies in the Treatment of Panic Disorder

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panic disorder, agoraphobia, cognitive and behavioural therapies, exposure, cognitive restructuring, breathing and relaxation training, meta-analysis


A panic attack is a state of intense fear or inner distress with physical and cognitive symptoms. Panic disorder is a psychological difficulty characterized by recurrent and unexpected panic attacks. Cognitive and behavioral psychotherapies are the most frequently used psychotherapy approaches in the treatment of panic disorder. The techniques mostly used for panic disorder in cognitive and behavioral psychotherapy are exposure (in vivo or interoceptive), cognitive restructuring, relaxation and breathing training. In this article, the cognitive and behavioral model in panic disorder is discussed and the theoretical underpinnings of cognitive and behavioral methods are mentioned. In addition, by examining 15 meta-analyses investigating the effect of cognitive and behavioral therapies in the treatment of panic disorder using the document analysis method, it was aimed to understand the effect of this treatment and treatment components on recovery. The effects of cognitive and behavioral therapies were compared with other treatments, the effectiveness of treatment components in providing recovery was examined and effective treatment methods were discussed in line with the findings. The results of the meta-analysis, which combines the results of randomized controlled clinical trials using statistical methods, show that cognitive and behavioral therapies are effective treatments for panic disorder. It is also shown that the more effective treatment includes an interoceptive exposure component. It shows that the inclusion of other components, such as cognitive restructuring, has a low impact on treatment outcomes and that the inclusion of muscle relaxation training does not affect the overall effectiveness of the treatment. It is thought that examining which of the treatment components contributes more to recovery both in the short and long term and their cost-effectiveness will be important in terms of choosing the most effective and least costly treatment while providing psychotherapy services to clients.


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How to Cite

Aydın Yeral, Şule. (2024). Effectiveness of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies in the Treatment of Panic Disorder. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 01–14. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10616513