Scale Development Study on the Effect of Vocational and Technical Education Schools on Economic Development (SDSEVTESED)

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vocational and technical education, economic development, scale development, reliability, validity


This research aims to develop a scale to determine the impact level of vocational and technical education schools on economic development. For this purpose, school administrators and teachers working in vocational and technical education schools in Sivas province and sector representatives collaborating with these schools in the 2022- 2023 academic year participated in the research. The population of the research consists of 612 teachers, 61 school administrators and 87 sector representatives. The sample number consists of 365 school administrators, teachers and 47 sector representatives. The participants of the research consist of field experts. In order to ensure content validity, a common opinion was formed by consulting the opinions of school administrators and teachers, sector representatives, measurement and evaluation experts and Turkish teachers. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to ensure construct validity. It was determined that factor load values varied between 0.75 and 0.95. As a result of exploratory factor analysis, a three factor structure emerged consisting of eight, five and five items. As a result of confirmatory analysis, it was found the values of RMSEA 0.079, GFI 0.90, CFI 0.98, AGFI 0.86, χ2/sd 3.1, NNFI 0.97 ve SRMR 0.041. It was observed that the goodness of fit indices obtained as a result of confirmatory factor analysis were within acceptable limits. The reliability coefficient of the scale was found to be Crα 0.92 and it was determined that it could measure the effects of vocational and technical education schools on economic development (p<0.001). As a result, a valid and reliable scale consisting of 16 items and three dimensions was developed to determine the impact of vocational and technical education schools on economic development.


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How to Cite

KEL, M. A., & Altınok, V. (2024). Scale Development Study on the Effect of Vocational and Technical Education Schools on Economic Development (SDSEVTESED). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(103), 126–141.