Artificial Intelligence Supported Mathematics Education: A Content Analysis

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Artificial İntelligence, Analysis, Technology, Mathematics Education


This study aims to  examine the research on the effect of Artificial Intelligence on Mathematics Education from various perspectives and to contribute to the development process of artificial intelligence. Within the scope of the research, only articles were examined. Document review, which is one of the qualitative research approaches, was used as the research method. The Google Scholar database was searched using the keywords "artificial intelligence in education" and "artificial intelligence in mathematics education". At the end of the research, a total of 34 articles, 4 in Turkish and 30 in foreign languages, were found that met the determined criteria. The Turkish articles that were obtained were coded as TM1, TM2, TM3 and TM4 the foreign articles were coded as YM1, YM2, …, YM30. Articles were examined according to year of publication, country of publication, research method, data collection tools, data analysis method, keywords used, artificial intelligence tools (technologies used), sample group, whether there was content analysis or not and target area. The obtained data was examined by using descriptive content analysis. The results of the data analysis of the articles are presented as images and tables by calculating their percentages in the Excel program. As a result of the relevant study, it was found that most of the articles were published in 2023, the most of them belonged to Korea, the document analysis model, one of the qualitative research methods, was preferred as a data collection tool, the most used data analysis method was content analysis, the most used keyword was Artificial Intelligence. It was concluded that the most used artificial intelligence tool was ChatGPT, the highest number of studies were conducted with sample groups from high schools and the target area of most of the articles was cognitive.


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How to Cite

Demircioğlu, E., Yazıcı , C., & Demir , B. (2024). Artificial Intelligence Supported Mathematics Education: A Content Analysis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(106), 771–785.