Bibliometric Analysis of Disabled Tourism Education Graduate Thesis

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Tourism, Education, Disabled Tourism, Disabled Education


The spread of training to different areas and the changing scope of training every day lead to new searches. The quality of education is especially important for people with disabilities to be integrated into society and to continue their social lives. In this context, it is important for disabled people to receive training in the field of tourism in order to be able to both go on holiday and work in the field of tourism. The aim of the study is to cover disabled tourism training within the scope of postgraduate theses in order to ensure the presence of disabled people in the tourism sector. Examining academic thesis studies on disabled tourism training will enable us to reveal which topics are covered and to gather information about the quality of the training. As a result of the information obtained, information was obtained about the content, scope and number of postgraduate theses conducted in Turkey on disabled tourism training. As a result of the data obtained on the subject of the study, the number of master's studies on disabled tourism education was determined as 14, and the number of theses at the doctoral level was determined as 7. In the distribution of postgraduate theses according to institutes, it is seen that 2 theses were made in the field of Educational Sciences, 2 theses were made in the field of Science, 4 theses were made in the field of Health Sciences and 13 theses were made in the field of Social Sciences. Regarding the dates of the theses by year, it was determined that there were no theses in 1999, and before only 1 thesis was made between 2000-2009, and 20 theses were made in 2010 and later. Another point that draws attention as a result of the study is that a total of 21 theses were written in 17 different universities. Another important result was that only 1 thesis was written about disability education in the study subjects.


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How to Cite

Kasım , M., & Akyurt, H. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of Disabled Tourism Education Graduate Thesis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(108), 1237–1248.