A Meta-Analysis Study on the Relationship Between Digital Leadership and Innovation Capability
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Digital Leadership, Innovation, Innovation Capability, Meta-AnalysisAbstract
Adapting to digital transformation has become the key to sustaining operations and competing in today's business world. Businesses need digital leadership and innovation capabilities to seize the opportunities and cope with the challenges brought by digitalization. While digital leadership includes the strategic use of technology and the effective management of digital transformation processes, innovation capability can be defined as the ability of businesses to develop new and creative solutions, and both concepts directly affect the performance and long-term success of businesses.
Digital leaders encourage the adoption of innovative technologies and digital transformation by determining digitalization strategies for businesses. Digital leaders also enable organizational members to develop their digital skills and create a culture that encourages innovation. Thus, it helps businesses adapt to rapidly changing market conditions and offer innovative solutions to customer demands. Innovation capability refers to the ability of businesses to develop new products and business models and gain competitive advantage. The guidance and incentives of digital leaders in the organization make it easier for businesses to achieve success in their innovation processes. In this context, digital leadership plays a critical role in increasing innovation capability, and the relationship between these two concepts directly affects the overall performance of businesses.
In this study, the relationship between digital leadership and innovation capability is discussed in depth with the meta-analysis method, which aims to present a general picture of the relationship between these two concepts by bringing together the results of different studies in the existing literature. In the study, 37 studies were accessed through Web of Science, Google Scholar, Scopus, ProQuest, and PubMed databases between April 18, 2024 and May 21, 2024, and as a result of the review, 5 works were deemed appropriate and included in the study. As a result of the meta-analysis, it was determined that there was a medium strength relationship of 0.473 between digital leadership and innovation capability.
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