Transformation in Sports Management: Journey to the Future with Holacracy

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Holacracy, Sports, Management


In this study, in addition to introducing the basic principles of holacracy, its advantages and disadvantages are evaluated by comparing it with traditional hierarchical structures in organizations. Additionally, focusing on how holacracy can be applied in the field of sports management, the potential implications of this model for sports organizations are discussed. The Holacracy model supports a participatory leadership approach, allowing employees to take more responsibility and take initiative. The advantages of holacracy include the ability to adapt quickly, the promotion of innovation, and more efficient management of business processes. However, this model also has disadvantages, in particular the need to deal with challenges such as increased uncertainty and complexity. The research reflects real-world applications of holacracy, supported by examples from organizations that have adopted this model. The applicability of holacracy to sports management is an important question mark given the fast-changing nature and complex structures of the sports industry. Especially in sports organizations, holacracy can be effective in performance management and focusing on strategic goals. In conclusion, the research highlights the strategic importance of the holacracy model on sports organizations and provides a guideline for understanding the potential of holacracy in the sport industry. However, it should be noted that studies on the applicability of holacracy in sport management are limited and its suitability to the specific needs of the sport industry has not been addressed in detail. Therefore, future research should focus more on the effectiveness of holacracy in sports management and conduct in-depth investigations on how this model can be adapted to the specific needs of sports organizations.


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How to Cite

Göksel, A. G. (2024). Transformation in Sports Management: Journey to the Future with Holacracy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(109), 1383–1395.