Examination of Architectural Heritage Centered Around Bilecik Province
Examination of Architectural Heritage Centered Around Bilecik Province

Bilecik, Cultural heritage, urban conservation concept, architectural heritageAbstract
The concept of architectural heritage, which is considered a common asset of humanity and has reached us with its unique qualities that need to be preserved and passed on to future generations, is one of the most important concepts. It is crucial to preserve these works that have been caught amidst the rapid urbanization and urban sprawl, ensuring they take on sustainable functions and serve the community. A society that does not know its past cannot progress. Structures and groups of structures with historical qualities in cities breathe life into otherwise uniform urban environments. Therefore, studies on architectural heritage are conducted within the framework of urban conservation concepts.
In this study, the plans, facades, past restorations, and current conditions of architectural heritage in Bilecik were examined in detail, highlighting the historical fabric of the city and its significance for tourism. Evaluating the study from a historical perspective emphasizes the importance of applying the cultural values of urban fabrics accepted by all residents of the city and creating a culture of preservation accordingly.
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