Evaluation of Programming, Design and Construction Processes in Landscape Architecture in the Example of a Semi-Private Space

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Design and construction process, semi-private space, from space to place


Urban open spaces are classified according to different functions as public, semi-public, semi-private and private spaces. Although the literature generally includes evaluations of public spaces, there is a lack of studies evaluating semi-private spaces. This research deals with the evaluation of open spaces after the conversion of a mansion into a library, as an example of a semi-private space. In this research, which is about the evaluation of the programming, design and construction processes of the landscape project prepared for the building environment that functions as a library, each stage is evaluated with examples. The design and construction process in landscape architecture consists of successive forward and feedback stages. The beginning of this phase is the programming phase. The programming phase is the analysis and synthesis phase where all data guiding the design are obtained, and the user group and their needs are determined. The better the data is analyzed at this stage, the higher the use of the space will be. After the programming phase, the design phase moves on and options are produced at this stage. The design process is a diversity reduction process. It is the process in which the best one is selected from the determined alternatives. After this stage, the application and usage phase begins. In this study, post-use evaluation data was not produced because the usage process had just begun. This research, evaluated on the example of a semi-private space, contains important data for landscape architects, users and employers.

Author Biography

Doruk Görkem Özkan, Karadeniz Technical University

Dr. Özkan received his BSc in Landscape Architecture from Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) in 2008. Also he received his MA (Post occupancy evaluation in urban open spaces: a case study of Trabzon coast line) and Ph.D. (The effects of campus open space environmental attributes on place attachment: the case study of KTU Kanuni Campus) in Landscape Architecture from Karadeniz Technical University in 2012 and 2017, respectively. Currently, he is a Associative Professor of Landscape Architecture, Landscape Planning and Design the Karadeniz Technical University and his research interests include landscape design,  environmental psychology, place attachment, pro-environmental behaviour.

Dr. Özkan  has been a member of KTU Environmental Problems Research and Application Center, Natural structures and landscape working group.

Dr. Özkan has been chairman of the board of UCTEA (Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers And Architects) Chamber of Landscape Architects Trabzon Branch since 2024.

Dr. Özkan has national and international project awards in the competition projects of Dr. Özkan.



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How to Cite

Özkan, D. G., Demirci, Özgür, & Özer, E. (2024). Evaluation of Programming, Design and Construction Processes in Landscape Architecture in the Example of a Semi-Private Space. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(109), 1308–1314. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13147046