Examining Market Promotions in Terms of Islamic Law

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Trade, Ethics, Promotion, Consumption


Advertisement has became an important communication vehicle with the help of wide usage of television and radio.Advertisement that makes a bridge between seller and  buyer makes a big impact to rise their profit. Even smaller workplaces use ads to enchance their profit with giving ads and to familiarize their products and themselves as well.In our today’s world especially big shopping malls generally use promotion as a type of advertisement.It will be more sufficient to categorize promotion into two types.Special promotion is that given by banks to their clients.On the other hand general promotion is given  customers free gifts like pencils,calenders and agendas by some factories and workplaces. At the same time, an example of general promotions can be given as the right of lottery, which especially large shopping centers and large markets give their customers to win gifts in return for certain purchases they make. For example, those who shop 150 TL or more are entitled to a lottery. As a result of the lottery, the seller company(shopping malls and supermarkets) gives a predetermined gift(cars,televisions and etc) to the winner of the lottery.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, S. (2024). Examining Market Promotions in Terms of Islamic Law. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(112), 2010–2014. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14020407