An Examination of the Legibility and Complexity Characteristics of Textures in Urban Squares: The Squares of Paşa Mosque and Sheikh Lütfullah Mosque

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Urban Square, legibility, complexity, space syntax, fractal geometry


Public squares are open spaces that play a central role in the social, cultural, and economic dynamics of cities. The arrangement of these spaces according to urban design criteria affects the quality of these areas. One of the urban design criteria is legibility, which is a concept that defines urban quality and relates to spatial configuration. Legibility refers to the ease with which the components of a space can be recognized and associated with each other in the mind. Another urban design criterion is complexity. The types, facades, and heights of the buildings surrounding the squares influence the levels of visual complexity, contributing to the formation of a rich urban fabric. The visual complexity created by the formal structures of the facades affects individuals' spatial choices and behaviors.

This research examines the visual legibility and complexity of the squares surrounding the recently renovated Paşa Mosque and Sheikh Lütfullah Mosque in the city center of Balıkesir using quantitative methods. The legibility data for the selected squares were obtained through visibility analyses of spatial arrangement. The complexity data of the facades surrounding the squares were evaluated using findings from fractal geometry. As a result, the legibility of the Paşa Mosque square was determined to be quite high, while the legibility of the Sheikh Lütfullah Mosque square was found to be at threshold levels. The complexity levels of the facades surrounding the squares exhibited similarities for both squares and were found to be high.


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How to Cite

Tibet, A. (2024). An Examination of the Legibility and Complexity Characteristics of Textures in Urban Squares: The Squares of Paşa Mosque and Sheikh Lütfullah Mosque. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(111), 1799–1813.