An Unconscious Bias Affecting Decisions: Halo Effect in Referee Evaluations in Sports

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Halo effect, prejudice, sport, referee bias, referee evaluations


This study was conducted to find out whether referees, who can also make subjective evaluations in individual or team sports competitions, are under the Halo effect in their evaluations of athlete performances according to some descriptive variables. The research group consisted of 247 referees selected by haphazard sampling method in various sports branches and different classifications for the year 2023. Personal information form and “Perceived Halo Effect Scale in Referee Evaluations in Sports” developed by İpin (2023) were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of the data, number, frequency and percentage analyses were used to determine the descriptive characteristics of the participants, and minimum-maximum levels, mean and standard deviation analyses were used to evaluate the scale scores. One-way analysis of variance and Independent groups T-test analysis were used to compare the scale with the descriptive characteristics of the referees. According to the findings, the mean of “overall Halo effect” of the referees participating in the study was found to be weak, the mean of “significant dimension effect” was found to be weak, the mean of “insufficient discrimination effect” was found to be very weak, and the mean of “general impression effect” was found to be weak. In addition, it was found that the referees' “general impression effect” scores differed significantly according to gender, their scores for each dimension differed significantly according to age, their scores for each dimension differed significantly according to education level, their “general impression effect” scores differed significantly according to refereeing level, their “general impression effect” scores differed significantly according to sports background, and their scores for all dimensions differed significantly according to refereeing branch. According to the results of the study, in general, it can be said that referees are not under the Halo effect when evaluating athletes. However, since there are some findings that indicate the existence of Halo effect among the results, more detailed research on the subject is needed.


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How to Cite

İpin, Y. Çağrı, & Ünal, H. (2024). An Unconscious Bias Affecting Decisions: Halo Effect in Referee Evaluations in Sports. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(112), 2063–2075.