An Examination of Primary School Teachers' Attitudes Towards Artificial Intelligence in Relation to Various Variables: The Case of Kastamonu
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Artificial Intelligence in education, attitudes, primary school teachersAbstract
Ö The aim of this study is to examine the attitudes of primary school teachers working in Kastamonu towards artificial intelligence (AI) in relation to gender, years of experience, and the type of faculty from which they graduated. The research, conducted using a descriptive survey model, was based on voluntary participation. The study group consisted of 126 primary school teachers working in public schools in Kastamonu during the 2024-2025 academic year. The data were collected online using the Turkish version of the General Attitudes to Artificial Intelligence Scale, which was adapted and authorized by Kaya et al. (2022). The analysis revealed that primary school teachers' attitudes towards AI differed based on gender, while no significant differences were found in relation to years of professional experience or the type of faculty they graduated from. These findings provide important insights for improving primary school teachers' attitudes towards AI and promoting the more effective use of these technologies in education. Based on the research, the following recommendations were made: Comprehensive training programs for teachers could be organized to enhance the effective use of AI technologies in education. These programs could particularly help female teachers and those with lower levels of education to adopt AI. The Ministry of National Education could organize more seminars and workshops to raise teachers' awareness of AI technologies. Broader research studies on attitudes towards AI could contribute to a better understanding of teachers' use of these technologies and their impact on education. Additionally, special support programs and mentoring initiatives could be developed to improve female teachers' attitudes towards AI technologies.
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