Investigation Of the Relationship Between Organizational Cronism and Organizational Resilience in Logistics Employees

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Organizational Cronyism, Favoritism, Organizational Resilience


The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of organizational cronyism on organizational resilience. Within the scope of the research, the relevant literature was thoroughly reviewed, and the current knowledge and theoretical approaches regarding the concepts of organizational cronyism and organizational resilience were presented. A theoretical framework was established in the literature based on the relationships and impacts between these two concepts. In the empirical part of the research, data was collected via a survey from participants working in logistics companies operating in the Kocaeli province. The research results revealed that organizational cronyism has a significant and negative effect on organizational resilience. Specifically, it was found that the dimensions of organizational cronyism, such as paternal (benevolent) cronyism, mutual-interest-based cronyism, and in-group bias, negatively impact the cognitive, behavioral, and contextual elements of organizational resilience. In conclusion, this study provides important findings suggesting that organizational cronyism weakens the resilience capabilities of organizations and contributes to ongoing discussions in the literature. It emphasizes that organizations should adopt a management approach based on justice and merit, minimizing cronyism, in order to sustain their long-term success.


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How to Cite

Berk, S. S., & Kaya Özbağ, G. (2024). Investigation Of the Relationship Between Organizational Cronism and Organizational Resilience in Logistics Employees. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(112), 2138–2148.