Suicide Tendencies Among Youth, Their Reasons and Solution
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Young, Adolescent, suicide, Education, Religion.Abstract
From the moment they come into this world, people start to strive to live a good life. For this reason, they are very sensitive about choosing their education, the profession they will work in, their social environment and their family. However, sometimes when these expectations are not met, people experience problems, suffer and eventually become depressed and experience psychological collapse. It is precisely during such periods that people start to think of the simplest way to get rid of these problems and troubles, namely ending their lives. Especially in adolescents and young people, when no exit point can be found in events such as academic failure, emotional and social deprivation, an increase in suicidal tendencies is observed. In this study, research was conducted on the causes, dimensions and ways to cope with suicidal tendencies in adolescents and young people. Studies in our country and other countries were compiled; the relationship between suicides and gender, age, race, marital status, social factors and academic success was tried to be explained. Information was provided on social, public, environmental, family and individual precautions that should be taken as preventive measures to prevent suicide cases among young people, and it was observed that a good education and a solid family structure are indispensable factors for happiness in adolescents and young people.
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