The Impact of Korean Dramas on Social Identity: The Case of Uzbekistan

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Korean drama, Social identity, Uzbekistan, Cultural indicators


Throughout history, the world map has been redesigned and reshaped many times. The great empires that were on the stage of history centuries ago have disappeared and new states have been established in their place. With the dissolution of one of these empires, the Soviet Union, in the 1990s, some states that were previously on the stage of history but remained under the rule of the Soviet Union have re-emerged on the world stage. After major changes, nation-states that gained their independence have embraced their own essence and cultural values and have begun work to re-establish their cultural identities. Uzbekistan, which is among these countries, has chosen an original path in terms of political, economic and cultural contexts while working on cultural identity studies. While advancing its international political and economic structure, Uzbekistan has also put on its agenda studies that redesign both its historical and national cultural assets, which are important in terms of national values. Uzbekistan effectively uses mass media while reviving the national cultural identity of the society. One of the important elements of mass media is television series. Uzbekistan efficiently benefits from its own national television series, as well as television series of other countries that are similar to its own cultural structure. One of these is Korean TV series. After the independence, it was observed that the viewing rates of Korean TV series on Uzbek television increased and that the society loved and watched them, and that there were changes in the identity of the society. The study was initiated on this assumption and its aim was to analyze the effect of Korean TV series on the Uzbek social identity. In the study, the Korean TV series ‘Jewel in the Palace’, which was released in 2003, was examined using content analysis method in the context of Gerbner’s theory of cultural indicators.

Keywords: Korean drama, Social identity, Uzbekistan, Cultural indicators


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How to Cite

Yusupova, G. (2024). The Impact of Korean Dramas on Social Identity: The Case of Uzbekistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(112), 1998–2009.