The Role of Employee Experience in Work-Life Balance Impacts on Well-Being

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Work-Life Balance, Well-Being, Employee Experience


The purpose of the study is to determine whether employee experience has a mediating effect (partial or full mediation) on the impact of work-life balance on well-being. In order to achieve the aim of the research, quantitative relationship screening methods were used to examine these relationships between variables. The survey method was used as a data collection tool and analyses were carried out on data obtained from 479 employees using convenience sampling. The study used developed scales of work-life balance, well-being and employee experience as data collection tools. Initially, validity and reliability analyses of the scales were carried out. Correlation and regression tests were then used to test the research hypotheses.

As a result, firstly, a significant and positive relationship was found between work-life balance and both well-being and employee experience, and a significant and positive relationship was found between well-being and employee experience. Furthermore, as a result of the regression analyses conducted to test the research question, it was concluded that the physical environment, the cultural environment and the technological environment, which are the sub-dimensions of employee experience, have a partial mediating role in the relationship between work-life balance and well-being. Based on the data from the study, it can be said that it is necessary for companies to invest in work-life balance and employee experience in order to improve employee well-being, and it would be healthy to develop HR policies and practices in these areas.


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How to Cite

Öncer, A. Z., & Kal, B. E. (2024). The Role of Employee Experience in Work-Life Balance Impacts on Well-Being. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(113), 2168–2187.