The Effect of Physical Inactivity and Circadian (Biological) Rhythm Disorders on Obesity

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Physical Inactivity, Circadian Rhythm, Obesity


To lead a conscious and high-quality life, it is important to understand the causes of physical inactivity and disruptions in the biological rhythm, as well as their effects on obesity. This study aims to examine the impact of physical inactivity and circadian (biological) rhythm disturbances on obesity. A literature review was conducted using scientific databases such as PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar. Physical activity is a critical factor for overall health and well-being; however, the increasing sedentary lifestyle in today's society has contributed to the rising prevalence of obesity. Physical inactivity reduces sleep quality, which in turn disrupts the biological rhythm. Disruptions in biological rhythms can lead to various physiological changes that contribute to the development of obesity. Low levels of physical activity cause an imbalance in energy and excessive fat accumulation, thereby increasing the risk of obesity. Research indicates that sleep restriction can disrupt the circadian rhythm, regulated by the central biological clock in the hypothalamus, and negatively affect the secretion of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. The use of substances such as alcohol and nicotine can also significantly disrupt biological rhythms. In particular, exposure to artificial light during the night is a strong disruptor of circadian rhythms. Additionally, chronic stress can alter circadian rhythms by increasing cortisol levels, potentially contributing to mood disorders. Circadian rhythm disturbances can impair the regulation of adiponectin, a hormone involved in glucose regulation and fatty acid oxidation, leading to increased fat accumulation. Sleep duration and quality are closely linked to biological rhythms, and sleep disturbances are associated with a higher risk of obesity. Individuals experiencing social jetlag, with irregular sleep-wake cycles and eating patterns, are more likely to gain weight, increasing their risk of obesity. Circadian rhythm disturbances can lead to changes in the hormonal secretions that regulate appetite and energy balance. Specifically, short sleep duration is associated with elevated ghrelin (hunger hormone) levels and decreased leptin (satiety hormone) secretion, both of which contribute to increased appetite and food intake, creating a cycle that promotes obesity. In conclusion, physical inactivity has been found to increase the risk of obesity by causing energy imbalance and excessive fat accumulation. One of the main causes of circadian rhythm disturbances is sleep irregularity, which, by causing metabolic disruptions, leads to changes in hormones that regulate appetite and energy balance. These disruptions can trigger excessive eating and weight gain, thus contributing to obesity. Health policies should place greater emphasis on promoting physical activity levels and raising awareness about the importance of maintaining biological rhythms.


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How to Cite

Şerare, S. (2024). The Effect of Physical Inactivity and Circadian (Biological) Rhythm Disorders on Obesity. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(113), 2315–2325.