The Evolution and Trends of Ebru Art in Academic Literature: A Bibliometric Analysis

Ebru art, Bibliometric analysis, VOSviewerAbstract
Ebru art has an important place among traditional Turkish arts and attracts attention especially with its aesthetic and cultural values. Nowadays, extracting meaningful information from data and presenting this information effectively is becoming increasingly important. The use of visualization methods, especially in big data analysis, is highlighted by researchers and widely applied in different fields. Bibliometric analyses have become an important part of these visualization techniques to understand complex relationships in academic literature. This study aims to identify research trends, authors, publishers and countries in this field by analyzing academic articles published on marbling art between 2000 and 2024. Using the bibliometric analysis method, Web of Science databases were searched and a detailed analysis of articles, authors, types of publications, countries, and citation analysis was carried out. The results of the analysis reveal in which academic disciplines the art of marbling is addressed, in which countries intensive research is conducted and which publishers contribute to this field. With the data obtained using the VOSviewer program, “co-authorship” and “co-presence” analyses were performed. According to the results of the analysis, it was determined that the most intensive studies on the art of marbling were published in 2020-2021 (1,197 and 1,265 articles), and the source with the highest number of publications (667 studies) was the journal “Elsevier”. In addition, the prominent countries are China, USA, Italy and Turkey ranked 4th with 175 studies. The results of the bibliometric network analysis can be used to evaluate how the international literature on participation in urban open green space planning has developed and to shed light on future studies.
The results of the analysis show that the most intensive research on marbling art was conducted in certain years and the journals with the highest number of publications stand out. In addition, the prominent countries in this field were identified and Turkey's place in the literature was evaluated. The results of this bibliometric network analysis reveal the representation and development dynamics of marbling art in the academic field, while aiming to identify potential areas for future research and gaps in the literature. The findings will be an important reference source for both the academic community and researchers interested in marbling art.
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