Data Security in Cloud Computing: Current Problems and Solution Proposals

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Cloud Computing, Data Security, Encryption, Authentication, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Cyber Security


Cloud computing has become one of the cornerstones of modern information technologies with its features such as flexibility, cost advantage and accessibility. However, the increasing demand for this technology raises serious concerns about data security and privacy. This article discusses current issues related to data security in cloud computing and discusses proposed solutions to overcome these issues. In particular, strategies such as data encryption, authentication, authorization mechanisms and artificial intelligence-based security tools are examined. In addition, new approaches and technological trends to improve data security in the future were evaluated. This study aims to provide an important guide on secure data management in cloud computing for both researchers and industry professionals.


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How to Cite

Of, M., & Kılıçaslan, İsmail. (2024). Data Security in Cloud Computing: Current Problems and Solution Proposals. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(114), 2694–2714.