First Make Yourself Happy, Then Others: The Theme of Happiness in The Works of Doğan Cüceloğlu
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Doğan Cüceloğlu, happiness, well-being, lifeAbstract
Since the beginning of human existence, people have sought to understand, define, and achieve happiness. Happiness is the fundamental goal of human life, and every individual is in pursuit of it. This concept has been thoroughly explored in philosophy, psychology, and social sciences. Many thinkers have presented various perspectives on what constitutes a happy life. One such thinker is Doğan Cüceloğlu, whom we recently lost.
The aim of this study is to examine the prominent themes related to "well-being" and "happiness" in Doğan Cüceloğlu’s writings, books, speeches, and publications. The research is designed within the framework of a qualitative case study approach. Data for this study was gathered from Cüceloğlu’s books, writings, publications, and speeches, with 173 quotes from his work serving as the primary data source. The findings of the study reveal that Cüceloğlu's views on happiness and well-being can be categorized into two main themes: "internal" and "external." The "internal" themes include self-awareness, proper education and guidance, realism, self-confidence, self-respect, personal integrity, pursuing one's dreams, living freely, experiencing childhood, patience, and fear. On the other hand, the "external" themes encompass cooperation, togetherness, the sense of "we," effective communication, love, respect, trust, democratic environments, acceptance of others as they are, and respect for values. The study indicates that "internal" themes are more prominent. According to Cüceloğlu, self-awareness and understanding are essential components of happiness and well-being. An individual who knows themselves and is at peace with themselves is capable of bringing happiness to those around them.
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