The Effect of University Students' Attitudes Towards Vocational Education on Their Job Anxiety

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Vocational training, employment anxiety and unemployment anxiety


In this study, the effects of vocational education and job finding anxiety on students are discussed. In our study, a questionnaire form was created and applied to students from different departments studying at Beyşehir Ali Akkanat Vocational School through Google Forms application. Our questionnaire consists of three parts. In the first part, information about the demographic characteristics of the students participating in the survey is given. In the second part, there is an attitude scale towards vocational education. In the last part of our questionnaire, the scale questions about the anxiety of finding a job were analysed. As a result of this survey, the effect of the attitudes of Beyşehir Ali Akkanat Vocational School students towards vocational education on their anxiety about finding a job and unemployment after graduation was evaluated. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that gender, age and class variables did not affect the attitude towards vocational education.  However, it was concluded that the variables related to the associate degree programme, the educational status of the mother and father and their occupations affected the attitudes of the participants towards vocational education.


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How to Cite

Ceylan Şaşmaz, E., & Öğüldü, E. (2024). The Effect of University Students’ Attitudes Towards Vocational Education on Their Job Anxiety. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(114), 2772–2780.