Investigation of School Administrators and School Project Representatives Opinions on the "I Am Sensitive to My Environment, I Protect My Values" Project

Value, Education Value, TyrannyAbstract
This study aims to examine the views of school administrators and school project representatives working at kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and high school levels regarding the “I am sensitive to my environment, I protect my values (ÇEDES)” project, which is being implemented at all formal education levels in Turkey, using a phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research methods. The Ministry of National Education aims to carry out the aim of contributing to the development of students as balanced individuals in every aspect in a planned manner with this project. Teachers and therefore the CEDES project school representative teachers undertake the biggest task in values education and CEDES applications in schools. In the stage of guiding and supporting teachers, school principals, assistant principals and school project representatives in these schools have a great responsibility. Since it is a new project, there are very few studies in the literature for the evaluation of the project. Teacher opinions were examined in the studies conducted. In this study, the opinions of school principals, assistant principals and CEDES project school representative teachers, who are the implementers of the project in schools, were taken and an attempt was made to look at this project from a broad perspective. By examining the opinions in the context of revealing the current deficiencies of the ÇEDES project, revealing its beneficial aspects and developing it, determining the coordination adequacy in the executive duties of three public organizations, and the functioning of the control mechanism in activities carried out outside of class hours, very important contributions can be made in terms of making the project more efficient.
As a result of the analysis of the data obtained from the study; it was determined that the demographic status of school administrators and school project representatives had no effect on the findings, the values that should be transferred to students as a priority were respect, love and morality, the most intense behavioral changes observed in students with the implementation of the project were the concepts of respect and responsibility, and the reluctance observed in students due to the project work being carried out outside of class hours was the most important problem in the application. It was observed that the solution to the problems in the implementation phase of the ÇEDES project could be reached by carrying out awareness studies, more active participation of stakeholders and increasing student participation, was adopted by the majority of the participants. It was evaluated that it would be possible to regain some lost values, reduce moral collapse, violence and bullying to a minimum level with the effective implementation of the ÇEDES project.
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