A Study on the Relationship Between Zeki Müren and Hayri Terzioglu in the Context of the Interaction Between Music and Politics

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Politics, Zeki Müren, Democratic Party, Turkish Art Music, Hayri Terzioglu


The 1950’s were the years when a significant transformation took place in the social and socioeconomic fields with the Democratic Party government in Turkey. The effects of this transformation have manifested themselves in music as well as in all fields. The changing social structure with the policies implemented by the DP created new needs, and music began to transform in line with the demands of this social structure. İt is known that political developments in a society have an impact on every aspect of that society and that music-politics phenomena have been in interaction all over the world since ancient times. İn this context, the Zeki Müren-Hayri Terzioglu relationship was examined to understand the transformative effect of politics on music and musicians. The DP period was found worth researching as it was the period when the seeds of the concept of popular culture were sown and at the same time Zeki Müren rose as the representation of popular culture in music. Zeki Müren, who became a music icon over time thanks to cultural environment, prepared by DP and the influence of DP member Hayri Terzioglu, was chosen as an example as he was one of the first musicians of Republic of Turkey to become popular by using political power.


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How to Cite

Erdoğan, H. G., & Baloğlu, B. Şahin. (2024). A Study on the Relationship Between Zeki Müren and Hayri Terzioglu in the Context of the Interaction Between Music and Politics. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 11(114), 2904–2912. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14585192