Information Societies and Cloud Technologies in Education

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Information Society, Cloud technologies. Career Development, Quality of Education


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of cloud technologies on education within the scope of information society. Cloud technologies are new systems that facilitate the transfer and sharing of information, access to data, analysis, and access to the desired information by scanning all available data and are widely used in the field of education in developed countries. Thanks to these systems, the quality of education improves, educators can focus on career development in their spare time and students' chances of success increase.

In this study, the qualitative deductive method was followed from general to specific and it was aimed to use cloud technologies in the educational process, to comprehend their benefits, to examine IT service services, to informatize education, to spread cloud technology and to spread the use of cloud computing technology. What advantages do cloud technologies provide to students and educators? The suggestions created by examining secondary sources such as articles, theses, books, etc. related to the questions are presented to the information of researchers, educational institutions, students and related parties.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, T. (2025). Information Societies and Cloud Technologies in Education . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 12(116), 257–268.