Energy-Efficient Residential Design Proposal for Hot and Humid Climate Regions

Energy, Energy-efficient building design, Climatic design, Residental building, Hot-Humid ClimateAbstract
Today, the global climate crisis has made reducing energy consumption in buildings and implementing sustainable design strategies increasingly critical. Particularly, the high consumption of fossil fuel-based energy during the construction and operation of residential buildings causes significant and long-lasting negative impacts on natural ecosystems. Therefore, it is essential to design buildings based on climate data from the initial planning phase, adopting a holistic approach that considers decisions on placement, facade design, material selection, natural ventilation, and thermal control. By integrating passive heating and cooling systems, the reliance on active systems can be significantly minimized. Adopting a climate-sensitive design approach in line with sustainability goals offers a significant opportunity to address current energy challenges and develop environmentally conscious structures. Within this context, this study identifies a specific design area and, based on the climatic requirements of the region, develops a small-scale residential project. By combining a literature review with a practical design example, the study demonstrates how energy-efficient design principles can be materialized within the framework of an academic studio experience.
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