In Examination Of The Exhibition Techniques Of Textile Artile Artifacts İn Balıkesir Kuva-yi Milliye Museum

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Kuva-yi Milliye Museum, Textile Conservation, Exhibition, Museology, Balıkesir.


This study is based on a comprehensive field analysis of the Kuva-yi Milliye Museum in Altıeylül district of Balıkesir. The focus of the research is to document the existence of textile artefacts exhibited in the museum and to transfer this important cultural production to future generations. In the research process, qualitative research methods such as literature review and observation are utilized in addition to field research. These replicas play an important role in recording the data necessary to realize the structural and cultural reconstruction of the products in the museum.

The field research of the study was conducted in 2024. Exhibition techniques were investigated by examining the textile artefact collections in the museum. Textile artefacts are one of the oldest and most common forms of expression reflecting the culture in human history. Produced from many different materials, from silk to cotton, wool to linen, these artefacts have not only met the need for clothing but have also been a mirror of cultures, beliefs and artistic talents. However, it is of great importance to use the right exhibition techniques in order for these sensitive and valuable artifacts to survive and be passed on to future generations. Within the scope of the study; 17 textile artifacts were exhibited. These are; prayer rugs, banners, coats, uniforms, hats, tablecloths, saddlebags, aprons, bindallı, double dresses, pockets and money pouches. All samples are included in the study. This study aims to evaluate the exhibition conditions of the textile artefacts in the museum, to determine the necessary measures for the preservation of these artifacts and to create a basis for future studies. It is aimed to document the study and make it a source of literature for future generations. Since textile artefacts are an important heritage reflecting the cultural identity of a society, the results of this study will be guiding for those working in the field of museology and institutions responsible for protecting cultural heritage.


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How to Cite

Çolpan, G. (2025). In Examination Of The Exhibition Techniques Of Textile Artile Artifacts İn Balıkesir Kuva-yi Milliye Museum . INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 12(116), 333–340.