Self-Esteem, Anxiety Level, Fatalism Tendency and Psychological Resilience in The Trial Process Of Children Dragged Into Crime: Case of Isparta ADM

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Juvenile delinquency, self-esteem, anxiety, fatalism, psychological resilience


Delinquency is among the important social problems that threaten social order. Juvenile delinquency constitutes one dimension of delinquency. It is accepted that many children are at risk of being dragged into crime for various reasons. The number of studies dealing with children being dragged into crime is increasing day by day. However, little is known about children's internal orientations such as self-esteem, anxiety levels, fatalistic tendencies and psychological resilience. This study was carried out with 143 children who were charged with a crime, under the provisions of the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237, and for whom a cautionary evaluation was requested from the Isparta Courthouse Directorate of Judicial Support and Victim Services (ADM) according to the Child Protection Law No. 5395. Official permissions were obtained from the Ministry of Justice, Department of Forensic Support and Victim Services, and explicit consent was obtained from all participants who agreed to participate in the study. The aim of this study is to understand the relationship between self-esteem, anxiety levels, fatalistic tendencies and psychological resilience of children dragged into crime. The research is a field research and was conducted with relational screening model. Personal information form, Self-Esteem Scale, Trait Anxiety Scale, Fatalism Tendency Scale and Psychological Resilience Scale were applied to the participants. The data were analyzed with the SPSS 29.0 package program. As a result of the statistical analysis, it was revealed that there were significant relationships between self-esteem, trait anxiety levels, fatalistic tendencies and psychological resilience of children dragged into crime. As a result, the study emphasizes the importance of individual, emotional and psychological factors such as self-esteem, anxiety level, fatalism tendency and psychological resilience of children dragged into crime.


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How to Cite

Salim, E., & Certel , H. (2025). Self-Esteem, Anxiety Level, Fatalism Tendency and Psychological Resilience in The Trial Process Of Children Dragged Into Crime: Case of Isparta ADM. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 12(116), 462–476.