Usage Patterns of the Eight-Pointed Star Motif in Sile Cloth

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  • Gizem Çiloğlu Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Türk Sanatları Tasarımı Anasanat Dalı, Tezli Yüksek Lisans Programı, İstanbul / TÜRKİYE
  • Ertan Toy Yıldız Teknik Üniversitesi Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi, Sanat Bölümü, Grafik Tasarımı Anasanat Dalı, İstanbul / TÜRKİYE



Şile Cloth, Fabric, Star Motif, Pattern, Motif, Embroidery, Traditional Handicrafts


Şile cloth production is a concrete expression of the cultural heritage extending from the past to the present. When we look at the production process of Şile cloth, we see a situation where social solidarity, artistic expression power and cultural identity are blended beyond traditional handicrafts. Women's roles in this process not only contribute to the economy, but also strengthen social ties and allow the expression of individual and collective identities. Since the traditional motifs of Şile cloth are special products with multi-layered cultural qualities that contain personal and social stories, they are an important heritage that should be examined and protected. The productions enriched with embroidery and embroidery on Şile cloth are more than just a textile product for use. These productions contain aesthetic compositions that bear personal traces and are shaped by emotions and thoughts. The productions, which establish strong links between historical and modern art, are works of art.

The eight – pointed star motif, as one of the important symbols of Turkish culture, takes place in many traditional handicrafts from past to present. The eight – pointed star motif continues to exist as an important symbol of Turkish culture with the way it is used in Şile cloth. Like the other motifs used, this motif is a representation of the cultural texture and an important means of expression. The concept-laden motif, which is seen in different names and forms, is not only an aesthetic ornamentation tool, but also a reflection of the infinity and order of the universe, the size and power of the stars, and the feelings of admiration, hope and inspiration shaped in the inner world of man. For this reason, it is a sign of expression in which the inner connection of man with the universe is transformed into a concrete design and feelings and thoughts are combined with spiritual and cultural values.

The aim of this study is to examine the conceptual and intellectual values of the eight-pointed star motif used in Şile cloth embroidery and to determine the carrier role of historical, cultural and social memory in decorative and aesthetic usage types by determining the different meanings attributed to the motif in the process of transformation into cultural and artistic forms of expression. For this reason, the usage patterns of the motif in Şile cloth were analysed in the light of historical and cultural values. In the research, known examples of eight – pointed star motifs used in Şile cloth embroidery were identified through interviews and photographs. The design features of the motifs were analysed conceptually and intellectually and explained with descriptions.


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How to Cite

Çiloğlu, G., & Toy, E. (2025). Usage Patterns of the Eight-Pointed Star Motif in Sile Cloth. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 12(115), 118–134.