The Effects of Digital Transformations on Employees' Job Satisfaction

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Digital Transformation, Job Satisfaction, Motivation, Productivity, Sustainability


The aim of this study is to examine the effects of digital transformations in the markets on the job satisfaction of employees in enterprises. In this context, the problem of the study; What effects do digital transformations have on employees' job satisfaction? Do personal development, career development and work efficiency have an impact on the successful implementation of digital transformations in enterprises? What is the importance of developing digital literacy in terms of the implementation of digital technologies? Do businesses that adapt to digital technologies have a competitive advantage over other businesses? What are the advantages of adapting digital technologies to businesses? Is the successful implementation of digital technologies in enterprises and the increase in employees' job satisfaction important for the continuity of enterprises? What should be done to ensure the efficient use of digital technologies in enterprises and the adaptation of employees?

In this context, in this study, issues related to the effects of digital transformations on the productivity, performance, competitive advantage of enterprises; the motivation, job satisfaction and productivity of employees were discussed, the findings of previous studies were examined and compared, and the findings obtained were presented for the benefit of researchers, enterprises, institutions, non-governmental organisations and society.


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How to Cite

Çakmak, Özay. (2025). The Effects of Digital Transformations on Employees’ Job Satisfaction. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 12(116), 308–318.