An Analysis of The Psychological Effects of Natural Light in The Interior Spaces Of Religious Structures

Religious Building, Natural Light, Interior Space, Light Type, Light Characteristics, Psychological Effects of Light in Interior SpacesAbstract
Religion has held a significant place in societal life since the dawn of human existence. In early periods, humans conducted their worship around natural formations; however, with the transition to a settled lifestyle, the construction of religious buildings began. These structures have architecturally diversified and developed within the framework of the distinct rules inherent to various religions. Nonetheless, certain commonalities are evident across all religious buildings. Foremost among these is the creation of interior designs that enable users to experience a sense of spirituality. This study focuses on the use of natural light in the interiors of religious buildings, analyzing its psychological effects, types, and characteristics. The study’s sample includes five religious buildings constructed in different societies and regions: The Chapel of St. Peter, Funerary Chapel, Santa Maria Goretti Church, Niijima Chapel, and The Mosque of Light. Data derived from the literature regarding the psychological impacts of light, the types of light producing these effects, and their characteristics were comparatively analyzed alongside the natural light applications found in the selected religious buildings. The findings reveal that natural light in religious buildings serves not merely as an aesthetic element but also as a medium that enhances spiritual experiences and reinforces the functional roles of these sacred spaces.
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