Positive and Negative Effects of Remote Graphic Design Education on Active and Graduated Students During the Covid 19 Pandemic

Technological tools and methods have diversified and different learning models have emerged with the acceleration of digitalization. It has helped to facilitate access to information and bring individual learning experiences to the forefront, developments that emerged in the 21st century. This process greatly encourages the spread of technology-supported methods in education. Using technology in education and training processes is a very old topic. It has become a mandatory practice after the COVID-19 pandemic, technology-based education processes that have been included in traditional teaching processes over time. The distance education process continued during the period has raised question marks, especially in areas that require application such as graphic design. Determining the advantages and disadvantages of distance education methods to be continued together with formal education in the process is a very important issue. It is known that online education programs that require intense interaction are the most frequently preferred environments under COVID-19 conditions. It is not known that full efficiency is achieved in areas that require learning through experience. Based on this information, this study reveals how graphic design education based on learning through experience has an impact on the COVID-19 pandemic. In-depth interviews were conducted in the study to reveal how graduate students as well as active students were affected by the process. There are advantages such as accessibility and flexibility provided by distance education but it turns out that it cannot fully replace face-to-face interaction and physical experience in disciplines such as graphic design that require practical training.
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