Examınation of Teachers' Organizational Trust Levels

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Trust, Organizational Trust, Teacher


This study, it was aimed to examine the organizational trust levels of teachers. The sample of the research consists of 201 trainers and teachers working in private and public schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in the 2022-2023 academic year. The research was conducted with the relational screening model. An information form and organizational trust scale were used to collect data in the research. Sample t-Test (Independent) and ANOVA test analysis were used in the analysis of the data. According to the results of the research; teachers' organizational trust; It was observed that there was no significant difference in terms of age, gender, educational status, marital status, length of service, and demographic structure variables. The universe of the research consists of teachers working in private and public schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education. Therefore, similar studies can be conducted with larger sample groups and results can be compared between these studies

Author Biographies

Necat TÜRK, MEB, Diyarbakır / TÜRKİYE

milli eğitim bakanlığı kayapınar adalet anaokulu öğretmen

Pınar UZUNBAŞ, MEB, Diyarbakır / TÜRKİYE

milli eğitim bakanlığı kayapınar adalet anaokulu öğretmen


milli eğitim bakanlığı çınar bilim ve sanat merkezi


milli eğitim bakanlığı bağlar vali ünal erkan ilk okulu öğretmen


milli eğitim bakanlığı öğretmen adayı

Nevin BAL

milli eğitim bakanlığı şevki cizrelioğlu anaokulu öğretmen


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URL 1 https://sozluk.gov.tr/ Erişim:20.04.2023



How to Cite

DERVİŞOĞLU, N., BULUT, İzzettin, TÜRK, N., UZUNBAŞ, P., YAŞAR, Ünal, TİMUR, V., TİMUR, E., & BAL, N. (2023). Examınation of Teachers’ Organizational Trust Levels. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(96), 1311–1321. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8112073