Developments In The Industry 4.0 Literature In Turkey: A Content Analysis For Graduate Thesis

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Industry 4.0, Content Analysis, Industry periods, Türkiye


Since the Industry 4.0 process was first announced at the fair held in Hannover, Germany in 2011, it has been increasing its impact in every field and can cause significant changes, especially in the academic field. Examining and identifying the academic changes makes an important contribution to determining the direction of the studies to be prepared in the future. It is considered much more important to determine the academic progress of a development that can have an impact in every field, especially Industry 4.0.

In this respect, the aim of the study is to determine the development of Industry 4.0 studies in the literature in Turkey. For this purpose, an analysis of Industry 4.0 was carried out on the YÖKTEZ platform, where postgraduate theses prepared in Turkey are presented together, and it is aimed to determine the course of studies on industry 4.0. According to the findings, the first study was prepared in 2016, and a total of 326 theses, 279 master's and 47 doctoral theses, were prepared between 2016-2023. The majority of these studies were prepared in the Turkish language and within public universities. The master's theses were prepared mostly at Bahçeşehir and Marmara Universities, and the doctoral theses were prepared at Istanbul and Dokuz Eylül Universities. In the evaluation made in terms of the field, it was determined that the theses were mostly prepared in the institute of social sciences, in the departments of business administration, industrial engineering and economics, in the branches of business administration, management and organization and economics.


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How to Cite

ACAR, S., & SARNIÇ , A. (2023). Developments In The Industry 4.0 Literature In Turkey: A Content Analysis For Graduate Thesis. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(97), 1641–1656.