An Evaluation of Magrâvî's Criticism of Some Explanators and Imam Ghazali in his work “Al-Mufassirûn”-The Example of the Burning of Ihyau Ulumi’d-Din-

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Ghazâlî, İhyâ'ü ulûmi'd-dîn, Magrâvî, Criticism, Tolerance.


It is known that Abu Hamid Mohammad al-Ghazali (d.505/1111) has an important place in the cultural history of Islamic Civilization. He wrote valuable works on many subjects. His work, which has been famous for centuries, is Ihyâu Ulumi'd-Dîn. In terms of content, it can be said that Ihyâ was written with the aim of diagnosing and treating spiritual diseases that occur in Muslims. In other words, Ihyâ has been accepted as Imam Ghazali's project to improve and gain moral virtue for Muslims. In the work called Ihyâ, besides the values ​​such as worship for Muslims, the factors that build and destroy people are discussed. As it is known, almost every work has been appreciated by some circles and criticized by some. This is also true for Imam Ghazali's book Ihyâ. As a matter of fact, some of them went so far as to bless Ihyâ in the category of sacred text, while others accepted him as the source of strife and corruption; Some official authorities forbade keeping it in homes, and even went so far as to burn it in the presence of the public. This includes the Magrib Sultan Ali b. Yusuf b. Tâşfîn (d.537/1143) can be given as an example. Ali b. This behavior of Yusuf encouraged many people and caused them to go to extremes. This negative point of view is still alive. Today, one of those who criticize Imam Ghazali's Ihyâ very harshly is Abu Sahl Mohammad al-Magravi. He has Salafi thought in the theological context. Magrâvî, who does not adhere to normal standards in criticism, sees the burning of Ihyâ as a normal behavior. Magrâvî was not content with al-Ghazali in his criticism, and he did not refrain from criticizing many scholars. For example, Cârullah ez-Zamakhshari (d.538/1144), Fahruddin Razi (d.606/1209) Bayzâvî (d.683/1286) Ebussuûd Efendi (d.982/1574) and İsmâil Hakkı Bursevî (d.1137/1725) are some of them. While criticizing Ebussuûd Efendi, Magrâvî accused the Muslim Turks by extending his criticism to the society rather than the individual, saying that the Turks always adhered to the Hanafi-Mâturidi creed and stayed away from Salafi thought. In this study, the criticisms of Magrâvî against Ghazali and some commentators are discussed.



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How to Cite

Çiçek, H. (2023). An Evaluation of Magrâvî’s Criticism of Some Explanators and Imam Ghazali in his work “Al-Mufassirûn”-The Example of the Burning of Ihyau Ulumi’d-Din-. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(97), 1433–1443.

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