The Effects of Educational Technologies and Interactive Boards on Learning Environments

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Interactive Board, Educational Technologies, Academic Success


Depending on the technological developments, technological developments have also been followed in the field of education and many countries have developed projects and programs to be used in learning areas. With the first use of smart boards in England, educational technologies began to enter our lives. One of the main factors of starting to use educational technologies in educational environments is that it increases the speed of learning and makes learning more effective and permanent. In our country, projects have been put into practice for educational technologies from time to time. . The most important of these projects, and still ongoing, is the Movement to Increase Opportunities and Improve Technology (FATIH). The project started with the equipping of secondary education institutions with educational technologies in our country in 2010, and then it was applied to other levels of education. In this study, educational technologies used in learning environments; advantages, disadvantages, frequency of use and effects on academic achievement are emphasized. Using the descriptive analysis method, scientific articles and master's theses were examined. After the data were analyzed, the data obtained were written in the findings section. According to the findings obtained; With the use of interactive whiteboards in learning environments, teachers and students are not inclined to use it, since they increase the performance of teachers and students, save time, allow lessons to be more enjoyable and fun, increase the interest and motivation of students towards the lesson, and also require more effort for teachers, It has been seen that students use tablets for games and videos more than lessons, teachers' training on smart board usage is lacking and there are also disadvantages.

It is thought that it would be appropriate to plan and follow-up the training of teachers and students, to establish technology leaders in schools and to assign a staff for technical equipment in order to use interactive whiteboards in accordance with their purpose and to make their use widespread.


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How to Cite

danış, fırat, ÖZKAL, H., ÖNCÜ, M. A., GEÇİTLİ, F., GERGİN, S., ADIYAMAN, S., SOLMAZ, M., & DURAK, M. (2023). The Effects of Educational Technologies and Interactive Boards on Learning Environments. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(97), 1599–1611.