Investigation of State Anxiety Levels of Primary School Teachers After 6 February Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes

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Earthquake, Teacher, Anxiety


The earthquake, which is a natural disaster, reveals feelings of shock, surprise, anger, helplessness, powerlessness, loss of confidence, loss of control, and fear of death in people. The aim of this study is to examine the state anxiety levels of teachers working in primary schools in Adana, which was affected differently by the disaster, three months after the earthquakes.

This descriptive study is a cross-sectional study in the general survey model. A total of 100 primary school teachers aged 25-61+ participated in the research.

Research findings; shows that female primary school teachers have higher anxiety levels than male primary school teachers, and primary school teachers aged 61 and over have higher post-earthquake anxiety levels compared to other age groups.

Initiatives to support earthquake survivors should be systematic in nature and take into account the basic care needs as well as the psychological health of people in all regions in relation to targeted actions to support people in the most affected areas.

Keywords: Earthquake, Teacher, Anxiety.


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How to Cite

KARAARSLAN, İlkdem, YAVUZ, B., ÖZDEMİR, S., ÇAKAR, S., & TATLI, M. (2023). Investigation of State Anxiety Levels of Primary School Teachers After 6 February Kahramanmaraş Earthquakes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(97), 1560–1564.