Teachers' Perceptions of Digital Leadership
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Digital, leadership, teacher, school, digitization, transformation, hybridAbstract
This study, in which teachers' perceptions of digital leadership are investigated, is in a quantitative and scanning model. The sample of the research consists of teachers working in public schools in İzmir Çiğli district. Data were collected by reaching 265 teachers with an easily accessible sample selection. Frequency, mean, standard deviation and t-tests from parametric tests and analysis of variance were used in the analyses. It has been determined that teachers' digital leadership perceptions are at the highest and very high level, using digital applications to ensure that studies such as school magazines and newspapers are published in the digital environment and to receive the opinions of stakeholders (satisfaction surveys, etc.). In addition, it has been determined that a very high level of digital leadership characteristics are also exhibited in using digital tools to communicate with parents and benefiting from the digital transformation vision determined with the participation of all employees to ensure the digital transformation of the school. The lowest average was also high, and it was seen that it was about providing education to students about data security at school. High and very high levels of opinion were also reported for other items. It has been concluded that teachers evaluate digital leadership perceptions in all dimensions and in general at a very high level. It was concluded that teachers' perceptions of digital leadership did not differ significantly according to gender, marital status and technology use levels, but differed significantly according to education level, career level, age and level of work. The digital leadership perceptions of the teachers were found to be higher in favor of those with a bachelor's degree according to their education level. It was determined that the digital leadership perceptions of the teachers were higher in favor of those with the title of expert teacher and head teacher, according to the career level variable. According to the age variable, teachers' perceptions of digital leadership are higher in favor of older teachers. The digital leadership perceptions of the teachers were higher in favor of those working in secondary and high schools according to the level they work.
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