Evaluation of Quarry Dusts in Terms of Occupational Health and Safety in an Open Pit Mining Operation

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  • Onur DOGAN Property Protection and Security Department, Occupational Health and Safety Program, Vocational School, Gümüşhane University, Gümüşhane, Türkiye https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8231-9872




Dust in the mining industry, Occupational health and safety, Occupational disease


The production method in the mining sector is determined by taking into account the way the ore is deposited in the earth's crust. The mining industry is considered within the scope of very dangerous business lines in the hazard classification. In this respect, it is important to evaluate the risks from a sectoral point of view. In the study, the presence of dust generated during open pit mining activities was evaluated in terms of employees, environment, and machinery equipment. PM10 and precipitated dust parameters were taken into account in the measurements. Dust sampling was used for PM10 with MCZ LVS 1Dust device and PM 10 head, and the gravimetric method was used for precipitated dust. Coal, clay, and sand are extracted in the enterprise where the study is carried out. Coal, clay, and sand are extracted in the enterprise where the study is carried out. The immission points of the measurement made by considering these points and the parameters performed at these points; P-1 (North January), P-2 (January midpoint), P-3 (South January), ÇT-1 (North January), ÇT-2 (South January), ÇT-3 (Area-1), was determined as CT-4 (Area of ​​Influence-2) and measurements were made at these points. Dust, in open pit mine production processes; occurs in processes such as drilling, blasting, loading unloading, crushing, and screening. If adequate health and safety precautions are not taken, it can cause occupational diseases in the long run. Employees can get occupational diseases as a result of long-term exposure to these dusts. In the study, points, where the presence of dust could pose a risk (suspended and settled dust), were determined and measurements were made at these points. Protective and preventive practices for employees, the environment, and machinery-equipment are mentioned, taking into account the measurement results and the limit values ​​specified in the legislation.


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How to Cite

DOGAN, O. (2023). Evaluation of Quarry Dusts in Terms of Occupational Health and Safety in an Open Pit Mining Operation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HUMANITIES SCIENCES RESEARCH, 10(97), 1496–1503. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8196792